Friday, December 20, 2013

Family By Choice

Since I've been here on the west coast, I've read my friend's kid's daughter to sleep or near sleep.  Depending on the book, it took 5 minutes or 15 minutes.  Yet, my ex told me I'd be a bad father.  And that sort of astounds me.  I worked at Echo Hill Camp for years and had a hand in raising some amazing kids in my lifetime.  

So, I'm hanging out with Aya, playing the amazing castle-guessing game (which it is that amazing).  And she just wants to stop.  I was up 5 cards, but she just said, "Jon Pauley, let's play a different game."  Not, I quit, not I give up.  She said, "I know you are going to win and, you won, but let's try a different game."

And we did.  It was called Blockus??????  And she won.  Legit.