Monday, July 26, 2010

How American Am I?

I gave my Yankee tickets to a man from down the street. For some unknown reason (he grew up in Brooklyn, loves the Knicks), he is a Red Sox fan. He hadn't been to a stadium since he was 4, which was old Yankee Stadium. So, I gave him my tickets a few weeks ago. He went to the game; the Royals won, we lost. He was happy.

So, I see him today and just ask about his experience. He goes: Are you American? I say: What? Do you mean was I born here? He says: Yeah, were you born here? I say: Sure, I was born in Pittsburgh. And he goes: Well, who is taking over our country? And I say: What? And he says: Go down to Nostrand and Fulton and you'll see what I'm talking about.

So I did. And in this low budget style was a parade of poor folk who were Bangledeshi. They were all in costume. It was a short block parade. Man, the sky looked fierce. And, I thought, fuck ya, I'm American. And, they are American. This is America.

Afterwards, I went to my boy Ricky's birthday party in Williamsburg at an obscure, big bar on a hidden street. Indians surrounding me, as his wife is Indian. And, I felt so good to just not be surrounded by myself. In my mind that is what makes you American. You just don't even think about it. You just laugh, drink beer, admire kids.

It is an odd thing, when you are forced to look at race. I never told anyone the guy from my block was any which race. By where I live, it might be easy to figure out, yet he loves baseball. I love baseball and he was a perfect man to give a ticket to.

Man, though, nobody owns these streets. To see Bangledeshis partying, was awesome. I just feel bad it rained on their parade at all today.


I never thought Entourage on HBO would make me feel bad about myself, or lonely for that matter, yet it did. The last episode with E standing alone while his boys go off to Vegas was kind of a soul searcher for me. E got it right; stay. There is nothing out there and he has what he wants. Yet, there is that random part of anyone who just wants to go. It really doesn't matter what Vegas has in store with Vince, etal, what does matter is that E loves his lady and they have some kind of florist or some shit coming. He stayed and Sloane will be happy. He will fulfill responsibilities. Maybe I'm looking into E too deeply, he might fuck up. Fuck, Turtle is in Mexico City for christsakes! Yet, I feel very much like E. E fucked up with Sloane, made up with her, etc. I have not yet fucked up with FB, and I don't want to. I am not E and FL is not Sloane. So, there is work to be done.